4 Realistic New Years Resolutions

4 Realistic New Years Resolutions

2020 was a crazy year - don't put pressure on yourself and make an unrealistic list of new years resolutions. But that's not to say there aren't goals you can set which keep you motivated without being overwhelmed by what's happening around the world. Try these out for size:

Here's a prime example of a New Year's Resolution of the past: "Read a book per week". In a time where we don't even know whether we're allowed out of the house in a month's time, giving yourself concrete goals like this will make you feel like you've failed when actually you're just coping. A 2021 goal is "read more", which is simultaneously motivating and directional, without giving yourself time-pressure. Check out our Tea & Books box if you need motivation.

"Lose X stone by running" is not 2021-friendly, but "move more" is, because it allows you to base your goal on your circumstance. Not allowed to leave the house for a while? That's OK, do some sit ups in your bedroom. Only allowed in the park? Set yourself a walking route. Staying fit and healthy is key to your happiness and overall mental health, but setting specific exercise goals can mean losing sight of the real goal which is overall well-being.

We live in a Yes-Man culture, but this year we're all going to have to find different ways of coping and knowing that you're allowed to say no to things is so important. Not comfortable meeting friends, even if it's technically allowed? Teach yourself that it's OK to say no. Feeling constantly anxious about disappointing people isn't fair on anyone. Similarly - be understanding if someone says no to you. This is a year for self-care.

I know - this one seems a bit incongruent with what's going on worldwide. But I'm also well aware that you are big on travel and big on London. The tourism industry is taking a knock, and booking future holidays can be make or break,  especially for smaller boutique travel destinations. So, if you have the means and know you want to travel in the future, committing to booking far in advance is a really helpful resolution to set.

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